Following the adoptionSearch for available translations of the preceding linkEN••• of the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027 with the Netherlands, the Commission has adopted the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture FundSearch for available translations of the preceding (EMFAF) programme for the Netherlands, to implement the EU common fisheries policySearch for available translations of the preceding (CFP) and EU policy priorities outlined in the European Green DealSearch for available translations of the preceding. The total financial allocation for the Dutch programme 2021-2027 is €139.9 million, of which the EU contribution accounts for €97.9 million.

The Netherlands aims at achieving a maximum added value and has therefore chosen to support a limited number of activity types. 83% of the programme allocation will be dedicated to sustainable fisheries and conservation of aquatic biological resources, 8% will be invested in sustainable aquaculture and in processing and marketing, and 3% will be invested in the strengthening of international ocean governance, all contributing to the EU’s environmental and climate objectives.

The programme will support the resilience of the fisheries and aquaculture sectors, through a strong focus on innovation and knowledge development and sharing. It also allows for temporary cessation support in case of natural disasters, environmental incidents or health crises and emergency support for businesses in case of market disruption.

The programme will support the green transition of the sector with investments aimed at improving gear selectivity, decarbonisation and energy efficiency and engine replacement. Based on the budget allocations, the programme contributions to fight climate change and protect the environment represent respectively 81% and 94% of the total EU allocation, which is well above the 30% target for climate contribution set in the EMFAF Regulation. The contribution of the programme to biodiversity amounts to 69%.