newindianexpressExpress News Service
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The second phase of the Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity will begin here on Monday and will focus on the ratification of the Nagoya Protocol, adopted in 2010 by some countries.

Six countries have ratified the protocol so far and India will ratify it shortly, following the cabinet approval. For the protocol to come into the force, 50 ratifications will be required.

The various parties will also discuss aspects of the 20-point Aichi Biodiversity Targets for a 10-year timeline between 2011-2020. As per this, each country has pledged to allocate 17 per cent land and inland water and 10 per cent coastal and marine areas by 2020. Around 160 countries are likely to be represented by nearly 10,000 delegates during the discussions.

The conference, concluding on October 19, will also feature an event on ‘Cities for Life’ on Oct 15 and 16 where representatives of various local governments and mayors will participate in discussions on conservation of biodiversity. The ministerial segment from Oct 16 to 19 will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.