Constant Israeli harassment of Palestinian fishermen in Gaza and limitations imposed by the Israeli troops on the area in which they can fish is making it almost impossible for them to make ends meet.

Many fishermen have turned to fish farming or aquaculture industry to make a living.

Aquaculture is relatively new in the Gaza Strip so small fish is brought via underground tunnels from Egypt and then raised in huge water tanks.

Fishermen had to learn new skills in order to adapt to this new reality.

Most fish farms in Gaza grow salt water fish by pumping seawater into huge tanks near the coastline.

Currently only a small variety of fish can be raised in Gaza which is historically known for having large varieties of fish.

The Israeli blockade has forced thousands of Gazan fishermen out of business.

Now entrepreneurs are trying to help this beleaguered industry.

Naval forces of the Israeli regime currently limit the fishing area off the tiny coastal enclave to six nautical miles allowing fishermen to catch very small amounts of fish.

Rights’ activists accuse the Israeli regime of sabotaging the Palestinian fishing industry.

Fish farms are seen as a last resort for Gazans to make a living due to almost non-stop Israeli attacks on Palestinian fishermen.

2012 Press TV.