Chinese government-backed news agency ECNS has lashed out at reports of plans by the Vietnamese government to arm its fishery patrol vessels as “breaking international conventions”.

Vietnamese state-run newspapers reported in early August 2014 that the government has passed legislation, dubbed Decree No. 76, on 29 July authorising the use of handguns, machine guns, explosives, and supporting devices on board Vietnam Directorate of Fisheries vessels.

Plans are said to be underway to equip all directorate vessels with 14.5 mm machine guns by 15 September.

The light arms are said to be a measure to ensure the safety of Vietnam’s fishermen and their vessels at sea, an oblique reference to skirmishes between Chinese and Vietnamese vessels earlier in the year in maritime territorial disputes.

In June 2014 IHS Jane’s reported that Vietnam’s highest legislative body, the National Assembly, had agreed to more funds to boost the country’s maritime surveillance and defence capabilities, including the acquisition of assets for the Vietnamese Coast Guard (Canh Sat Bien Vietnam – CSBV) and the Vietnam Directorate of Fisheries. Funding for the vessels’ weapons are likely to come from this fund.

2014 IHS