Dear Sir

Sundarbans, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is not only a critical natural habitat but also a source of livelihood for countless communities and a significant contributor to the government’s revenue through the exploitation of its rich natural resources.

Recent developments have shown that a number of dry fish factories have proliferated within the eastern and western zones of the Sundarbans. One of the most alarming aspects of this issue is the netting of different species of fishes and fingerlings within the deep forests, followed by their drying. This has a devastating impact on fish breeding, causing irreparable harm to the delicate ecosystem of the Sundarbans.

So, the urge to concerned authorities to take immediate and decisive action to protect the Sundarbans’ unique biodiversity and vital fisheries. Steps must be taken to crack down on the illegal activities of dry fish factories, prevent further destruction of the forest, and ensure the sustainable management of this invaluable natural resource.

Adnan Anan Sikder

Student, Department of CSE, East West University